STUDY TEXT: Mk. 10:46-52
MEMORY VERSE: Luke 18:1 “And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray and not faint.”
The parable of Christ here in Lk. 18:1 presupposes that all God’s Children should be praying children. That it is our duty to do it and we do wrong if we do not take heed to do it. We must pray and never go
weary of doing it.
BLIND BARTEMAEUS: Mark. 10:46-52
The emphasis of Christ here is to teach us the constancy and persev2rance in our communication with God and our request for His mercy both in relation to ourselves or to the church of God, when we are praying for strength against our spiritual enemies, our lusts and corruptions which are our worst enemies, we must be instant in prayer, we must pray and not faint; for we shall not seek God’s face in vain.
We have here the story of a blind beggar called Bartimaeus, that is the son of Timeus which signifies the son of a blind man, that is he was a blind son pf a blind father, which made his case worse and his care to be a much bigger testimony because it typifies God’s Mercy on not only those who are born blind but also on those who are born of these who are blind. That is the Mercy of God bringing to an end a generational curse. Where Bartimaeus sat begging, he heard the noise of the people passing by.Though he was blind, he was not deaf, seeing and hearing are two of the senses that God bestows us with. While it is a great calamity to lack either, the defect of one is often made up for with the cuteness of the other, and this has been seen by some as part of the Mercy of God upon mankind.When he heard and was told it was Jesus that was passing by, he asked no further question, He didn’t concern himself with where Jesus was going or who were those with him, but he rather immediately cried out. We must understand that we must learn to take advantage of every moment that we have in the presence of God, because when such moment passes us by, we may never regain it. - CRY UNTO JESUS: Mark 10:47-48
Bartimaeus cried out as someone in need. When the Bible says, “Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me”- Psalm 50:50. God is talking to us in our infirmities. We must understand that a cold or lukewarm attitude does not reflect someone who is in need and wants God’s intervention. Those who are in need must sur up themselves to take hold of God as a task and duty that must be accomplished, When Bartimaeus met with opposition in his call to God, he cried out the more. Our wrestling with God in the place of prayer makes us more ready and prepared to receive and when we indeed receive, the more what we receive wi!! be valued and the more thankful will be our acknowledgement. - HUMILITY IN PRAYER: Mark 10:47-48
In that word “have mercy on me” not specifying the favor or prescribing on what merit he was calling out to him. (Luke 18:11 “the pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee that am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers or even as this publican”.) But casting himself upon Him and referring himself in humility to Jesus’ mercy in whichever way it pleases Him to intervene in his situation, confident that it will turn to glory. He did not ask for silver or gold, though he is a beggar, it is rather to His mercy that he seeks. Psalm. 130:7 “Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption“. - FAITH IN PRAYER: Mark 10:47
This is reflected in Bartimaeus acknowledging Christ foe who He is, “O Lord, thou son of David” a confession that Jesus Christ is Lord and therefore has the authority to command deliverance to him. (1 Corinthians 12:3). By calling Hirn Jesus he took his encouragement for his request in Jesus’ power and goodness as the Messiah, a title that has foretold His Compassion to the poor and needy. Psalm 72:12-13.It is an unparallel thing in prayer to see Christ in the Grace and Glory of His Messiahship. To always put to mind that He is the son of David, whose office is to help and save and for us to pray and plead with Him in light of this understanding. - PERSEVERANCE IN PRAYER: Mark 10:48
We must not mind the discouragement or delays we may encounter oh the way. The multitude rebuked him as being loud and noisy and a distraction to Christ and bid him to hold his peace not to disturb the Master, who Himself at first seem not to regard him.In following Christ always in our Prayers, we must expect to meet with hindrances and manifold discouragements both from within and without, that bids us to hold our peace. We must understand that such rebukes come to test our faith, persistence, patience and perseverance. When we are in the place of prayer, it is not the time to seek people’s compliments or to be timid. - JESUS’ RESPONSE: Mark 10:49
- Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. Jesus was on the way to Jerusalem but for the sake of Bartimaeus he stood still. We must similarly understand that no matter the haste we are in, or the urgency of the task ahead-of us, when there arises a need for God’s work to be done, we must be willing and ready to do the work of God. In the story of the good Samaritan, a man fell among thieves and was robbed and left for deed. The priest saw him but was in to0 much of a hurry to
(b) Jesus’ commanded him to be brought, not because He could not cure him from a distance, but to reflect His Mercy to the willing heart. Mt. 11:23. Christ wants to not only pray but also come near unto Him because, He hold out the golden scepter to us and bids us to come and touch the top of it. Ester. 5:2-3 ” And it was so that when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favor in his sight and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. So Esther drew dear and touched the top of the scepter.
Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou queen Esther and what is thy request and it
shall be given thee.”
AS we come to the place of prayer, Jesus will commend that we be brought near, and we will receive His Mercy and cur lives will never be the same again.