STUDY TEXT: Job 14:7-9
MEMORY VERSE: “My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations knowing this, the trying of your faith worketh patience.”- James 1:2-3.
As Christians living in this present world, we must understand that life is full of challenges that can test our faith and resilience. From personal and family trials to global crises, adversity has become a part of the human experience. However, in all these we have an advantage, and that is the privilege of turning to our God for strength and guidance during these difficult times. We must know that the devil endeavors, by using circumstance of suffering, to draw men to sin and deter them from their faith and make them unfit for their reward. But for us as our affliction are in God’s hands, they are intended for the empowerment of our graces. We must remember that the gold is put into the furnace not to destroy it, but to make it purer and better shinning. Count it all joy” that is, we must never sink into a sad and disconsolate frame of mind, but we must endeavor to keep our spirit dilated and enlarged. Human philosophy may teach men to be calm under their troubles, but Christianity teaches man, to be joyful because doing such can only proceed from the love of God and not from an annoyance with Him. By this we are conforming to Christ our Master and then such become a mark of our adoption. Our stance during trials will brighten our grace now and our crown at last.
Job 14:7 “At least there is a hope for a tree if it is cut down, it will sprout again and its new shoots will not fail.“Life’s hardships can leave us feeling helpless, but the word of God here encourages us to understand that hopelessness, like a tree that is regenerated after it has been cut down, we too can experience a renewal and a fresh beginning. Hope in God helps to fuel our sprits enabling us to believe in a brighter future despite whatever our present circumstance is.THINGS WE SHOULD BE DOING
a) We must nurture hope through positive confessions.
b) We must surround ourselves with people and materials that can help to uplift our faith, other people’s testimonies of God’s extra ordinary interventions in the lives of others.
c) Focus on the power of God for positive change. - THE PRINCIPLE OF RESILIENCE.
Job 14:8 “Its roots may row old in the ground and its stump die in the soil”. The image of aging roots and a dying stump Symbolizes our life during trials.
However, the essence of resilience lies in our ability to preserve and overcome these obstacles. Just as the tree endures seasons of adversity, we too possess the strength to bounce back and emerge stronger and better.
a) We must cultivate self-care practice that restore your energy and promote emotional and spiritual well-being.
b) Seek Out supportive fellowships or faith-based counselling services
c) See challenges as opportunities for personal growth and learn from setbacks that you once overcame. - THE PRINCIPLE OF LIFE’S FRAGILITY
Job. 14:9 Yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoot like a plant.”
While our lives or situation may feel permanent, this verse reminds us of the fragility of our existence. The trees’ response to the scent of water illustrates the delicate nature of life. It should encourage us to embrace the present moment, appreciating its passing beauty and treasuring our experiences.THINGS WE SHOULD BE DOING
a) We must learn to practice gratitude by numbering our blessings and moments of joy one by one.
b) Reflect on our values and life’s priorities ensuring that our actions are in line with our values and priorities.
c) In conclusion we must understand that just as the cut down tree springs forth with new shoots, we also possess the capacity to flourish anew in God, just like the man in Naaman the Syrian military leader in Kings.5:1-19. We also through an unflinching faith in God and the wisdom that comes from being addicted to the Word of God, we can rise above life’s trails and find renewed purpose and joy for our life’s.
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