STUDY TEXT: Titus. 3:1-8
MEMORY VERSE: 1Thes. 4:3 “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye
should abstain from fornication.”
Sanctification is a spiritual experience where the believer progresses to when he becomes separated and freed from sin and the lusts of the flesh. He is now made holy and is separated for God’s special use and purpose. We must understand that while it is not something that we can attain of our own because it requires the intervention by the Holy Spirit, but we must be willing in our heart for such a transformation to take place.
The word sanctification is related to the word saint, both words have to do with holiness. Jesus Christ prayed concerning the believers; (John. 17:16 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”) We must understand that every uncleanness and sin is directly contrary to holiness or a state of sanctification. Everything that is contrary to the chastity of our heart either in speech or conducts we must abstain from because such are contrary to the holiness which our faith requires from us. We must understand that our sanctification “Is the will of God” for us.
We must therefore strive to live a holy life because he that called us is Holy and because we have been chosen unto salvation through the sanctification of the spirit, we should cleanse ourselves from all filthiness both of the flesh and spirit. “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Cor. 7:1). Our body is an instrument for use in the service of God, hence it must be kept in a clean and holy state, anything to the contrary will be a dishonor to God, we must know His will so well to the point of our sanctification.
REFLECT CHRIST (Titus 3:1-3).- Ministers are people’s reminders of their duties just as they are to daily take the petitions of the people to God in prayers Isa. 62:6. Ministers must not cease reminding the people of their duties to God and to man. (2 Pet. 1:12 “Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things“). That they must “Be ready to every good work” Vs. 1b That whatever it is that will promote and secure public tranquility and peace, we must be ready to promote such things. This precept means doing good in all things and on every occasion, either in honoring God, respecting ourselves or our neighbors. Phil. 4:8. Mere harmlessness or pronouncing good words only are not enough without good works.
- To speak evil of no man: We are not to revile or curse or blaspheme anyone. That we must not be unjust or falsely accuse anyone. If no good can be spoken, rather than speak unnecessarily, we should not say anything. We must never take pleasure in speaking ill of anyone or make a bad situation worse. Such loose uncharitable talk is displeasing to God and hurtful among men. (Prov. 17:9).
- To be no brawlers but gentle: We must not be fighters, either with hands or with tongue, not quarrelsome or contentious person who is ready to give or return, evil for evil or in provocative language. We must follow things that promote peace as becomes the servants of God, who is a God of love and of peace. (Rom. 12:19 “Avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath.“) This is the Christian wisdom and duty. “The glory of the man is to pass over transgression.” Prov.19:11.
- Showing all meekness to all men: We must be of mild disposition; we must not only have meekness in our hearts but show it in our speech and conduct. James. 3:13.
We have here the Author of our salvation – God our Saviour, whose kindness and love was freely bestowed upon us wherein we were delivered out of our own miserable condition by no merit nor strength of our own, but only by the mercy and free grace of God and merit of Christ and the operation of His spirit in us. We therefore have no ground in respect of ourselves to condemn those who are still unconverted, but rather to pity them and cherish hope concerning them that, they are though unworthy as we once were, may also obtain mercy as we have, and they also be saved in Christ.As believers, we become regenerated and experience a spiritual renewing. “Old things pass away and all things become new.” We are the same physical man, but now with a new spiritual disposition and habits; evil ones are done away with and a new prevailing principle of grace and holiness is manifested which inclines and sways and governs and makes the man a new man, a new creature, having new thoughts, desires and affections, a new and holy turn of life and actions, the life of God in man. Here is our sanctification and here lies our new divine life won for us by the Gospel of Christ.